
01月01日 2007 台灣上映
導演: J.A. Steel 編劇: J.A. Steel 型別: 動作 / 科幻 / 恐怖 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 上映日期: 2007 片長: USA: 86 分鐘 IMDb連...
11月12日 2020 台灣上映
구원 Salvation,은 2020에 발표 된 한국 104분 2020 스릴러 2020.11.12 (개봉예정) 영화입니다,영화는 이창무,김대건가 지배하고 있습니다,한국에서 2020년11월12일에 출시되었습니다. 집창촌 포주 달수의 돈 10억원을 훔쳐 달아났던 윤락녀 진숙이가 경상남도 밀양의 차디찬 강바닥에서 시체로 발견됐...
01月01日 2013 台灣上映
05月16日 2022 台灣上映
Set in post-apocalyptic 2018, John Connor is the man fated to lead the human resistance against Skynet and its army of Terminators. But the appearance of Marcus Wright changes ever...
10月13日 2014 台灣上映
05月07日 2014 台灣上映
Abdellah is a young gay man navigating the sexual, racial and political climate of Morocco. Growing up in a large family in a working-class neighborhood, Abdellah is caught between...
01月01日 1990 台灣上映
One day, one moment, one idea can change lives. Noah Davis is a Pastor in an affluent community. Depressed after losing his wife to illness, he is contacted by an old friend who ha...
02月28日 2021 台灣上映
Alex Corvis is wrongly convicted killing his girlfriend Lauren. After he was executed and revive by a crow, they embark on a task to find the killer.
10月31日 2000 台灣上映
Alex Corvis returns to the world of the living to solve the murder of a young woman that he was wrongly accused of killing. Alex follows the crow into the police department's evide...
01月01日 2011 台灣上映
10月30日 2014 台灣上映
01月01日 1990 台灣上映
Seven volunteer English teachers from Australia gradually confront the colonial implications of their work in rural Thailand. Over the course of six months, they contend with their...
01月01日 2023 台灣上映
. 마약 중독을 이겨내고 새로운 삶을 살길 원하는 ‘존’(잭 휴스턴)과 ‘루비’(윌라 피츠제럴드).둘은 결혼을 약속하고 루비의 형부 ‘피터'(존 말코비치)는 존을 가족으로 따뜻하게 맞아준다.과거의 죄를 씻고 구원을 바라는 루비의 세례를 앞둔 날,약물 과다 투여로 죽어 있는 루비를 발견한 존은 절망에 빠지고그녀를 죽음에 ...
05月21日 2009 台灣上映
터미네이터: 미래전쟁의 시작 Terminator Salvation,은 2009에 발표 된 미국, 독일, 영국 2009 액션/SF 영화입니다,영화는 맥지가 지배하고 있습니다,크리스찬 베일,샘 워싱턴,문 블러드굿 및 기타 주요 배우,한국에서 2009년05월21일에 출시되었습니다. 인간 VS 기계인류의 생존을 건 미래전쟁이 ...
01月01日 2017 台灣上映
05月17日 2014 台灣上映
In 1870s America, a peaceful American settler kills his family's murderer which unleashes the fury of a notorious gang leader. His cowardly fellow townspeople then betray him, forc...
05月21日 2009 台灣上映
2018年,天網系統與人類的戰爭使世界陷入了末世般的境況,反抗軍精神領袖約翰·康納(克里斯蒂安·貝爾 Christian Bale 飾)帶隊執行一次任務的過程中獲得了戰勝天網的新思路,而天網系統適時推出了新的目標排名,康納位居次席,榜首上康納此時尚年青的父親凱爾·瑞斯赫 然在列。與此同時,一名遺忘了自身過去經歷的強壯男子馬庫斯(薩姆·沃辛頓 Sam Wort...
06月14日 2000 台灣上映
《烏鴉3 The Crow: Salvation》是巴拉特·納魯裏(Bharat Nalluri)執導的2000年美國超級英雄電影。埃裏克·馬比烏斯(Eric Mabius)飾演亞歷克斯·科維斯(Alex Corvis),以及《烏鴉》電影系列的第三部分,改編自詹姆斯·奧巴爾(James O'Barr)同...
01月01日 1970 台灣上映